On Day 18 we need to avoid traps. Our input looks like this:
This is just the first row of a room. Dot character represents a safe tile and ^ character represents a trap. The next row can be generated from the previous one using some rules. The new tile is a trap in the following situations:
Our task is to tell how many safe tiles there are for a given number of rows and the first row as input.
Here is the full solution:
row = File.read("18.txt").strip
def generate_row(row)
new_row = []
0.upto(row.size - 1) do |index|
traps = [index > 0 ? row[index - 1] : ".", row[index], row[index + 1] || "."].join
value = if traps == "^^." || traps == ".^^" || traps == "^.." || traps == "..^"
def get_safe_tiles(row)
row.chars.select { |tile| tile == "." }.size
safe = 0
400000.times do |i|
safe += get_safe_tiles(row)
row = generate_row(row)
puts i if i % 1000 == 0
puts safe
So in first part we have 40 rows and 400000 in second part. The above solution is not ideal. It takes some time to compute, but it is not that bad. Around 25 seconds.