Advent of Code 2016, Day 25: Clock Signal

#ruby #advent of code 2016

Part A

On Day 25 we need to work with assembunny code again. We have our input program:

cpy a d
cpy 15 c
cpy 170 b
inc d
dec b
jnz b -2
dec c
jnz c -5
cpy d a
jnz 0 0
cpy a b
cpy 0 a
cpy 2 c
jnz b 2
jnz 1 6
dec b
dec c
jnz c -4
inc a
jnz 1 -7
cpy 2 b
jnz c 2
jnz 1 4
dec b
dec c
jnz 1 -4
jnz 0 0
out b
jnz a -19
jnz 1 -21

And it is supposed to transmit clock signal 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1 and so on forever. Emitting signal is done by out instruction. What we need to figure out is what is the lowest positive integer that can be used to initialize register A so such infinite signal is registered.

For that you need to reverse engineer the code. In my case there was multiplication again in the beginning. My program is multiplying 15 by 170 and then adds the result to A register. Multiplication is implement as addition, so it is better to change input program to use mul instruction (implemented on some other day):

add a 10
jnz 0 0
cpy a b
cpy 0 a
cpy 2 c
jnz b 2
jnz 1 6
dec b
dec c
jnz c -4
inc a
jnz 1 -7
cpy 2 b
jnz c 2
jnz 1 4
dec b
dec c
jnz 1 -4
jnz 0 0
out b
jnz a -19
jnz 1 -21

We can reverse engineer later on. What the rest of the code is doing is diving the number in A register by 2 and then calculating the modulo. And this is send as our clock signal. So to make it alternate between 0 and 1, we need to feed it the number that will look like this 101010101010101. In my case it was 180. 180 + 15 * 170 = 2730 = 101010101010.

Here is also the naive solution to check consecutive values for A register:

require "io/console"
data = File.readlines("25.txt", chomp: true)

class InvalidSignal < StandardError; end

def run(data, registers)
  pc = 0

  previous = nil
  ticks = 0

  while pc < data.size
    line = data[pc]
    jump = false

    if line =~ /cpy (-?\d+) ([a-d])/
      value = Regexp.last_match[1].to_i
      register = Regexp.last_match[2]

      registers[register] = value
    elsif line =~ /cpy ([a-d]) ([a-d])/
      source_register = Regexp.last_match[1]
      target_register = Regexp.last_match[2]

      registers[target_register] = registers[source_register]
    elsif line =~ /inc ([a-d])/
      register = Regexp.last_match[1]
      registers[register] += 1
    elsif line =~ /dec ([a-d])/
      register = Regexp.last_match[1]
      registers[register] -= 1
    elsif line =~ /jnz (-?\d+) (-?\d+)/
      value = Regexp.last_match[1].to_i
      offset = Regexp.last_match[2].to_i

      if value != 0
        pc += offset
        jump = true
    elsif line =~ /jnz ([a-d]) (-?\d+)/
      register = Regexp.last_match[1]
      offset = Regexp.last_match[2].to_i

      if registers[register] != 0
        pc += offset
        jump = true
    elsif line =~ /jnz (-?\d+) ([a-d])/
      register = Regexp.last_match[2]
      offset = registers[register]
      value = Regexp.last_match[1].to_i

      if value != 0
        pc += offset
        jump = true
    elsif line =~ /tgl ([a-d])/
      register = Regexp.last_match[1]
      offset = registers[register]

      if data[pc + offset]
        case data[pc + offset][0..2]
        when "inc"
          data[pc + offset][0..2] = "dec"
        when "dec"
          data[pc + offset][0..2] = "inc"
        when "cpy"
          data[pc + offset][0..2] = "jnz"
        when "jnz"
          data[pc + offset][0..2] = "cpy"
        when "tgl"
          data[pc + offset][0..2] = "inc"
    elsif line =~ /out ([a-d])/
      register = Regexp.last_match[1]

      if previous.nil?
        if registers[register] == 0
          previous = registers[register]
          ticks += 1
          raise InvalidSignal, ticks
        if previous && (1 - registers[register]) != previous
          raise InvalidSignal, ticks
          previous = registers[register]
          ticks += 1

          return if ticks > 100
    # additional instructions to execute multiplication instantly, only for 23mul.txt updated instruction set
    elsif line =~ /mul ([a-d]) ([a-d])/
      register_1 = Regexp.last_match[1]
      register_2 = Regexp.last_match[2]

      registers[register_1] *= registers[register_2]
    elsif line =~ /nop/
    elsif line =~ /add ([a-d]) (-?\d+)/
      register = Regexp.last_match[1]
      value = Regexp.last_match[2].to_i

      registers[register] += value

    pc += 1 unless jump

a = 0
while true
    run(data, { "a" => a, "b" => 0, "c" => 0, "d" => 0 })
    puts a
  rescue InvalidSignal => error
    a += 1
    puts "a = #{a}, #{error.message}"

I used program with mul instruction to make it run fast. When executing out instruction I was checking if the signal is correct for 100 ticks.

Part B

The second part is to just admire your achievements.

Finished Advent of Code 2016